Automate Incentives & Recognition For Your Sales Teams, Agents, Distributors And Channel Partners.
Create your sales plan logic effortlessly and save time by automating complex KPI calculations and reward disbursals. Design custom contests to stay relevant and drive results.
Create a wide variety of competitions to promote specific behaviours for specific teams or departments. Cheer the team with public and private leaderboards and targeted messaging to meet and beat their goals.
Share badges, certificates, citations, and emojis to publicly validate the hard work. Maintain morale with a pat on the back. Enable varied options like cashouts, point-based redemption or vouchers from an exhaustive catalog of prominent brands.
Integrate with your existing CMS/CRM systems to remove the need for manual intervention and data handling over spreadsheets. Aid compliance with seamless data reporting. Also, get deeper insights into opportunities to coach and mentor to achieve higher results.
A leading global IT & consulting company with a large employee base of more than 300,000 operating in a Hybrid scenario, were seeking a solution focussed on holistic employee health and well-being, including curated FlexBen offerings. Our human-centric product design engineers offered them a customized platform offering services in four domains with the more than 20 varied solutions matching the need of their diverse workforce. Advantage Club was successful in driving 92% redemption in the first year itself, creating the best success story for the program ever run in the company before.
A Multinational IT Solutions company was seeking a platform that provides equitable rewards for employees across different countries and diverse groups. Advantage Club’s curated product offering with purchase parity features not only solved their need, rather magnified the employee experience multifold. Along with rewards, Advantage Club was also able to automate long service awards, create gamified solutions for reward point accrual, and provide an end to end gamified wellness solution. The solution was deployed across 120 countries with multiple business units, teams and workflows customized on the tool.
A USA based global multinational business services & CX company with varied cultural backgrounds, sought a no-breakage solution for employee rewards. Advantage Club successfully delivered a platform catering to their unique needs, ensuring seamless and personalised rewards for their employees including engaging through communities and creating fun-at-workplace using Funzone. After deploying Advantage Club, their utilization rate and redemption rate for rewards shot up to 90-95%, as compared to their older rates of 40-60% with their incumbent platform earlier.
A tech giant with over 20,000 employees faced the challenge of enhancing employees' work from home experience during the pandemic. Advantage Club offered an exclusive solution, enabling employees to access remote work resources and facilities seamlessly. Advantage Club was able to create a special marketplace with 400 SKU’s including chairs, tables, routers, UPS and more, within 10 days of getting the requirement during the pandemic, with end to end order management and delivery. The solution evolved into a successful full-fledged R&R platform, continuing to run effectively with Advantage Club.
A globally-renowned consulting firm desired a gamified Reward & Recognition portal that would ignite the importance of peer-to-peer appreciation among their workforce, and create a holistic wellbeing solution for their employees across the Middle Eastern and Asia regions. Advantage Club solved it through design thinking, and delivered a curated platform which magnified user connect on the platform and drove the need of appreciation and recognition as an inherent part of their culture. A custom wellbeing portal was also created, looking after employees, their dependents/family members. With a global catalog, the marketplace was customized for employees as per their country, thereby offering choices and an ease of convenience in the redemption process.
The only AI powered Engagement and Rewards platform you need